The Person-Centred Community Care Inventory (PERCCI) is a short, easy-to-complete questionnaire that measures the quality of care experiences.
It is an evidence-based tool, co-designed with people with lived experience of care services.
** Now available to download in Welsh **
Easily measure the quality of care experiences

Find out more about what PERCCI is and how it was developed
Understand why person-centred methods in quality measurement are so valuable
Discover how to use the PERCCI questionnaire in your organisation

What is PERCCI?
The PERCCI (pronounced 'Percy') allows care providers and the people they support to understand the quality of care and how it is being experienced.
The PERCCI (pronounced 'Percy') allows care providers and the people they support to understand the quality of care and how it is being experienced.
It is based on rigorous University research and evidence, and evaluates three established principles of person-centred care:
understanding the person
involving people in decisions about their care
building positive care relationships
The tool asks 12 simple questions - designed in full partnership with people with experience of using care services.
It scores their answers in a way that will describe overall quality, but can also help to identify people whose care may be falling below expectations.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James
Why is it important?
The PERCCI provides a simple, evidence-based means for helping to monitor and promote the quality of care experiences.
This may also support providers when addressing CQC's Key Lines of Enquiry. For example, it may show if people using the service:
are treated with kindness, respect and compassion (C1)
feel that people involve them in decisions about their care (C2)
feel care is personalised and responsive to their needs and preferences (R1)
Using the PERCCI may also help to demonstrated that the provider is well-led. For example, using the tool may help demonstrate:
how the provider promotes a culture that is person-cented (W1)
that it has a process for continuous quality improvement (W2)
that it gathers and acts-upon people’s experiences of care(W3)
that the provider uses evidence-based processes within their service (E1).
Being involved in the next stage of the tool’s development may help to demonstrate that the service is seeking to improve and innovate (W4).

How does it work?
Simply download the PERCCI questionnaire using button below, and share it with people who are receiving care and/or their families.
The PERCCI is completely free.
Providers can also speak to the research team via email: Mark Wilberforce | mark.wilberforce@york.ac.uk
How do I create PERCCI scores?
The PERCCI is calculated by simply giving the response to each question a 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending on their answer (0 for 'rarely or never' and 3 for 'always'). Then add these together across all 12 questions.
The PERCCI score can range from zero up to 36. You can compare PERCCI scores either between different people (e.g. to identify those were particularly low scores) or for the same people over time (e.g. to see if care experiences are improving).
An excel spreadsheet designed for entering and storing PERCCI scores is available on request.
If you would like support collecting and analysing your information, please contact Dr Mark Wilberforce using the contact details below.

What does the research say about PERCCI?
Researchers interested in evaluating care experiences may be interested to know of the scientific work underpinning its design and testing.
Conceptual work on person-centredness has been published here.
A systematic review of person-centredness measures is available (open access) here.
Design and item development work is available (also open access) here.
Preliminary psychometric testing is published (open access) here
Ongoing work includes its use in community mental health services in England; a study using the PERCCI to evaluate the skills of care workers; work to establish 'cut-scores'; and also a translated version is being developed and utilised in Austria.